TechnologySMASH for kids

What is technology?

Technology helps us to do things. According to, ‘it means that anything that uses information from the field of science and math to solve problems (equations, real-life, programming, etc.) is technology.’

There is communications technology, entertainment technology, household technology, music technology, space technology, sports technology. Technology is about how things work too.  Since ancient times, people have been interested in how things work and how they can improve technology to meet their needs. They use their experience, knowledge and ideas to invent new ways of doing things. Technology has changed the way we live in many ways.
When people say the word TECHNOLOGY there are likely to say technology is computers, cell phones, rockets and TV. But when anthropologists use the word TECHNOLOGY, they will go all the way back to the controlled use of fire from about 500,000 - 1 million years ago the invention of the wheel 4000 BCE 'Before Common Era' and beyond. The first technology tools were simple hand-axes made by our ancestors millions of years ago ( Rutendo piece of paper )

This is technology. And there is more!
Technology wallpaper!